spokane half marathon 2022

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Marathon Relay driving directions for exchange zones (The relay course follows the marathon, these directions outline exchange zones and driving directions to get your team through the course. If you still see this message after clicking the link, then your browser settings are likely set to not allow cookies. Find race information, reviews, course maps and more on RaceThread. GREAT SWAG Every finisher receives an awesome long sleeve tech shirt and medal Register Now Race Information Packet pickup: More info Coming Soon Probably the busiest of them all is Santa Claus himself as he prepares to deliver gifts all over the world. Start Times - Spokane Marathon Start Times All courses start in downtown Spokane, near the corner of Washington and Main. The 43rd Door County Century - Sunday, September 11, 2022 RIDE DETAILSWe call it "The Big Ride" because it truly is! Join us for the 2022 Windermere Marathon, full of swag and a whole new after party experience! Click the Accept Cookie Policy button below to accept the use of cookies on your browser. The Windermere Foundation is excited to announce Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Inland Northwest as the official beneficiary of 2023 race. Flat and fast course! Be the first to review Negative Split Spokane Half Marathon Other Races You May Want to Consider Santa's Big Day 1Mile 5K 10K 13.1 26.2 - Dec 31st, 2022 December is a busy month as everyone gets ready for the holidays. Marathon, half marathon and 10K courses are USATF certified. Boston Qualifier GREAT SWAG Great Runner Swag and Finisher Food COMMUNITY Back in 2023, register as a fundraiser and help raise money for some awesome charities we are partnering with! Click on the link below to go to the official site of the race. Windermere Marathon and Events 2023 Spokane, Washington FAST COURSE Point to point course from Liberty Lake to Downtown Spokane. return ok(options); Enter your email address and we will send you instructions to reset your password if there is an account for that email. } may be set by us or by third party providers whose services we have added to our pages. Jan 1 It takes the runners out of downtown Spokane through the historic Browne's Addition where they run under a canopy of fall foliage. stream Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Register Now Check your spam folder if you do not receive it. // @see https://www.wix.com/corvid/forum/community-discussion/adding-ads-txt-file Oct 7. Windermere Marathon May 21st, 2023 Spokane, WA Register Now! Grete was the 1983 WC at the marathon, the 1984 Olympic silver medalist, and her legacy lives on with Aktiv against Cancer. The Spokane 10K is a qualifier for Bloomsday Second Seeding. Our race is a non-profit led by volunteers and your support helps us share the love of running with local high school cross country teams. With that being said, the Windermere Marathon is the place to be!! All shirts are race-specific. We value the trust that you place in us by sharing your personal data with us. "Content-Type": "text/plain" No deferrals to the next year after 9/15. Imagine a finish line packed with spectators and finishers coming through one after another . Registration Policies Registration with shirt details: Marathon unisex hoodie, half-marathon gender-specific long sleeve tech shirt, 10K gender-specific short sleeve tech shirt, marathon relay gender-specific short sleeve tech shirt. Live the experience of running the worldwide-known Great Wall Marathon from anywhere in the world. See Course Maps for details. The Spokane Marathon is a Boston Qualifier. Sign up early and save! ), Relays legs are not individually certified, however they are very carefully calibrated with a bike odometer and Jones counter.First leg is 7.3 miles (from downtown Spokane to Military Cemetery back to Spokane Falls Community College -SFCC)Second leg is 7.0 miles (from SFCC out through Riverside State Park to the Seven-Mile Bridge)Third leg is 6.4 miles (from the Seven-Mile Bridge to the Y just before Downriver Golf Course)Final Leg is 5.5 miles (from the Y just before the Downriver Golf Course to the finish), 2023 Spokane Marathon - Created by Amanda Wareham, downtown Spokane, near the corner of Washington and Main, Marathon Relay driving directions for exchange zones. If you still see this message after clicking the link, then your browser settings are likely set to not allow cookies. The Half Marathon starts at 7:00 a.m. in Mirabeau Park in Spokane Valley. Start and finish in the trendy Kendall Yards neighborhood right on Summit Parkway with views of the Spokane River. Map updates will be posted here closer to race day as needed. Spokane Series Marathon & Half Marathon, 10K, Marathon Relay Spokane, WA USA October 9, 2022 Below: [Contact Information] [Runner Comments] More Info: Results: Contact Information: Name: Joan Pribnow: Address: 605 W. Bradford Ct Spokane, WA 99203: Phone Number: 509-624-4297: Fax Number: 509-624-6082: Email: Official Race Website: . The Spokane marathon, half marathon and 10k return Oct. 9 Oct 6, 2022 Updated Oct 6, 2022 SPOKANE, Wash. - The Spokane Marathon, half marathon and 10k are returning on Oct. 9.. The Spokane Marathon Sunday, October 8, 2023 Registration is open! Click the Accept Cookie Policy button below to accept the use of cookies on your browser. . Sorry about that! The Split Half Marathon, 10K, and 5K run is one of Spokane's favorites. Read how we use cookies and how you can control them by visiting our Privacy Policy. Shirts are on a limited, as available, first come, first serve basis if you register after 9/25. All courses start in downtown Spokane, near the corner of Washington and Main. Sign up early and save! xryu/)N0@qbvw,c9km$(E#32R1ZK],?|~w[?u??_|~?cS=//79\%vDIG+_vF@D]JAqEJ7"z}Aq=5gA@DK rk3-}# n{\]Q},5vF@Dn{\UvF@D}' w{oDTws?& ~$}sSK},G%bcDT?Yzvw"n{.wV-M@D[w7=goDTwrq7=u7"go7=jiQ!]_s3Q,}Js,}zrt7=?N@dXKey^5[2:rn9D4Ij?Sw"[i r2+/OA! 5yr7Z5rw r2DKK~Gw{|6i UDTO;["m/,}73zn@G^3~ w/+# z>v(& lf77=2n8ig:ycOvr3ugYov17="K-l zd-rY(U~wYz6[ r2UQ}AQ>~Q},}sJ&w/Q}_Yn;}# 7o7=>DT[#u7goR#+os&-RAToPngy9 rO-wL/# ZXG\^>Y?HtoKvQ}g-3wSK[_Q}f7' zGAiw# IAgi# |-' z6 r]F@|7G>wnzZDTI+8 wA@DuA^vF@D%oj:}sy k rGDT$}s"jAKN^77=u97"m~9ww>r{ [rA~Q=A.7y;gwf#?-} "XA@Dl|A> lOA@d'K w*5o# u}$ "Ez I[' wDT-* woK5{ig?I/oA]DNz) rr_V[fA= r~"[V ryDT[_H| nWr7|7KQ-}O~ Lilac Bloomsday Run held in Spokane, Washington features over 50,000 runners, joggers, and walkers. Spokane Trail Run Results - Spokane Marathon Results Results will be available from Negative Split Timing, live and after the race. Read how we use cookies and how you can control them by visiting our Privacy Policy. The Centennial Trail follows the contours of the winding Spokane River and the views along the race route are a big part of the attraction of this race. Half Marathon October 09, 2022 (Sunday) Running 21.097 kilometers Solo Road. export function get_Adstxt(request) { You have already subscribed to our newsletter! Spokane, Washington FAST COURSE Point to point course from Liberty Lake to Downtown Spokane. All courses are USATF certified distances. You can find instructions at https://www.whatismybrowser.com/guides/how-to-enable-cookies/auto. You may experience issues registering or using other parts of the website. Learn why you should run Spokane Marathon, Half Marathon, Relay & 10K in Spokane, WA. let adstxt = `# Ads.txt www.khq.com . Currently the Washington half marathon schedule has 2022 Washington half marathons and 2023 Washington half marathons as they roll in. Still have questions? Flat and fast course! Though rarely touted in national tourist blurbs, Spokane hosts the worlds largest mass-participation running event (Mays annual Bloomsday Run), a stunning gilded-age hotel (the Davenport) and a spectacular waterfall throwing up angry white spray in the middle of its downtown. The race information has been found on the official website of the event or through publicly available sources. Pricing Activity Today Later; Half Marathon: $105: $105: Closed 10k: $75: $75: Closed 5k: $50: $50: Closed Virtual Half Marathon: $55: $55: Closed Virtual 10k: $45: $45 . Great views of the river and start and finish in the updated Riverfront Park! The Split Half Marathon April 16th, 2023 Riverfront Park, Wa Register Now! Thank your for subscribing to our Newsletter. by users on the website. Age Group Records Past Results 10K Course Overall and Age Group RecordsHalf Marathon Course Overall and Age Group RecordsMarathon Course Overall and Age Group Records, 2009 Marathon Overall2009 Marathon Age Group2009 Marathon Relay2009 Half Marathon Overall2009 Half Marathon Age Group2009 Five Mile Overall2009 Five Mile Age Group, 2008 Marathon Overall2008 Marathon Age Group2008 Marathon Relay2008 Half Marathon Overall2008 Half Marathon Age Group2008 Handcycle2008 Five Mile Overall2008 Five Mile Age Group, 2007 Marathon Overall2007 Marathon Age Group2007 Marathon Relay2007 Half Marathon Overall2007 Half Marathon Age Group2007 Handcycle2007 Five Mile Overall2007 Five Mile Age Group, 2006 Marathon Overall2006 Marathon Age Group2006 Marathon Relay2006 Half Marathon Overall2006 Half Marathon Age Group2006 Handcycle2006 Five Mile Overall2006 Five Mile Age Group, 2005 Marathon Overall2005 Marathon Age Group2005 Marathon Relay2005 Half Marathon Overall2005 Half Marathon Age Group2005 Five Mile Overall2005 Five Mile Age Group, 2004 Marathon Overall2004 Marathon Age Group2004 Marathon Relay2004 Half Marathon Overall2004 Half Marathon Age Group2004 Five Mile Overall2004 Five Mile Age Group, 2023 Spokane Marathon - Created by Amanda Wareham, Half Marathon Course Overall and Age Group Records, Marathon Course Overall and Age Group Records. 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spokane half marathon 2022